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发布时间: 2023-05-23 11:29  作者:   来源:星际电子在线   浏览次数:

报告题目:On the fourth power mean of the two-term exponential sums with composite modulo p^2

报告人:张文鹏 教授(西北大学)



报告摘要:The main purpose of this talk is using the analytic methods and the properties of the solutions of the congruence equations modulo p^2 (here p is an odd prime) to study the calculating problem of the fourth power mean of the two-term exponential sums, and give an interesting calculating formula for it. At the same time, this talk also provides a new and effective method for the study of the fourth power meanof the two-term exponential sums with general composite modulo q

报告人简介:张文鹏,男,陕西礼泉人。1979年9月考入陕西师范大学数学系学习,1983年6月考取山东大学数学系硕士研究生,师从于著名数学家潘承洞院士研究解析数论,1985年8月提前攻读博士学位,1988年8月获理学博士学位后到西北大学数学系任教。1991年破格晋升为教授,1997年进入西北大学理论物理研究所作博士后研究。现为西北大学数学系二级教授,博士生指导教师, 曾兼任中国数学会理事、陕西省数学会副理事长等职。
