报告题目: The Status and Development Trends of STEM Education Research: What can we learn from journal publications? (STEM教育研究的进展与趋势:我们可以从期刊论文中学到什么?)
报告人:美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University) 李业平 教授
邀请人:数学教育研究团队 主持人:宋乃庆教授
摘要: The emerging field of STEM (later also STEAM, STREAM) education presents some fascinating opportunities for transforming school education, not only due to the fact that STEM is important for students’ learning now and in the future. Historically, STEM education as disciplinary-based education has long been in place with a focus on mathematics and science. Recent calls for a broader focus on STEM education have generated more and more interest in exploring and understanding different forms and approaches of this movement in many education systems around the world. Correspondingly, research development in STEM education has experienced dramatic changes over the past decade, providing much- needed scholarship support to further STEM education within and across education systems. In this talk, I will provide a brief review of research development in STEM education with a survey of selected journal publications, and discuss the status and development trends presented in literature.
报告人简介:李业平,美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)教学与文化系教授,博士毕业于美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),主要从事数学教育, STEM教育和教师教育研究。全美教育研究学会会员, 美国数学教师理事会会员, 全美教育研究学会数学教育研究特别兴趣组会员, 美国学校科学和数学学会会员, 国际数学教育心理学协会会员, 国际数学教育心理学协会北美分会会员。《STEM教育研究》杂志主编 (Springer出版)、《国际STEM教育》杂志主编 (Springer出版) 。受邀参加多次美国、国际大型学术会议做报告、发言或主持小组讨论, 并在美国,加拿大,中国大陆,韩国,香港, 澳门,台湾,新西兰,丹麦,墨西哥,马来西亚等多地进行学术交流。自2008年来出版发表学术著作12部, 主编学术杂志专刊4期, 论文近100篇。