报 告 人:蔺友江(重庆工商大学)
报 告 人:李明 (重庆理工大学)
报告题目:Recent progress towards the Unicorn problem
In this talk, we will give a short survey on the Unicorn problem in the Finsler geometry. We introduce some recent solutions of this problem under extra conditions. Our strategy towards the unicorn problem is establishing equivalence theorems by affine differential geometry method and using nonlinear parallel transports. Partial results are joint work with Huitao Feng and Yuhua Han.
报 告 人:刘克峰(加州洛杉矶大学、重庆理工大学)
报告题目:Moduli spaces as ball quotients
I will present a Hodge theoretic criterion for the moduli spaces of certain polarized manifolds to be ball quotients.
报 告 人:郑方阳(美国俄亥俄州立大学、重庆师范大学)
报告题目:The Kahler-Ricci flow preserves negative anti-bisectional curvature
The anti-bisectional curvature for tube-domains is related to the MTW tensor in optimal transport. In this joint work with Gabriel Khan of Iowa State University we prove that non-positive anti-bisectional curvature is preserved under normalized Kahler-Ricci flow, and in complex dimension two, non-negative orthogonal anti-bisectional curvature is also preserved under the flow. We provide several applications of these results, both in complex geometry as well as optimal transport.
报 告 人:程新跃(重庆师范大学)
报告题目:Improved Bochner inequality and its important applications on Finsler manifolds
In this talk, we will establish some important inequalities under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound by using improved Bochner inequality and its integrated form. Firstly, we obtain a sharp Poincare-Lichnerowicz inequality. Then we give a new proof for logarithmic Sobolev inequality. Finally, we obtain an estimate of the volume of geodesic balls and a relative volume comparison of Bishop-Gromov type on Finsler manifolds.