姓名:张亚哲 籍贯:河北 民族:汉族 职称:讲师 所在部门(教研室):数理统计教研室 办公室(电话):星际电子在线502 电子邮件:zyz0764@swu.edu.cn
2012-09 至 2015-07, 首都师范大学, 概率统计, 博士
2009-09 至 2012-07, 首都师范大学, 概率统计, 硕士
2003-09 至 2007-07, 河北农业大学, 信息与技术科学, 学士
2015.07至 今, 星际电子在线, 星际电子在线
概率论; 随机过程; 极限分布理论; Stein's method.
1.Yazhe Zhang; Binomial approximation for sum of indicators with dependent neighborhoods, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2016, 119: 146-154.
2.Yazhe Zhang; Some results associated with the longest run in a strongly ergodic Markov chain, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2013, 29(10): 1939-1948.
3.Yazhe Zhang; On the number of leaves in a random recursive tree, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2015, 29(4): 897-908.