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1984-1988 西南师范大学数学与应用数学专业本科生

1994-1996 法国梅兹大学应用数学专业硕士研究生

1996-2000 法国梅兹大学基础数学专业博士研究生

2001-2002 法国南锡大学计算机专业硕士研究生


1998-1999 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室 ATER

2000-2001 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室 ATER

2000-2004 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室 博士后

2004-2015 星际电子在线 特聘教授

2015-至今  星际电子在线 教授


2005.05-2005.07 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2007.05-2007.07 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2008.05-2008.07 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2009.05-2009.07 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2011.05-2011.07 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2015.06-2015.06 南开大学组合数学中心

2015.10-2015.11 加拿大St. Francis Xavier大学

2016.03-2016.03 南开大学陈省身数学研究所

2016.11-2016.11 法国梅兹大学和LMAM实验室

2017.07-2017.07 澳门科技大学

2017.08-2017.08 香港大学

2019.06-2019.06 三峡数学研究中心

2019.11-2019.11 法国东巴黎大学和LAMA实验室

2019.12-2019.12 法国洛林大学






重庆数学会常务理事,美国数学学会评论员,Math. Comp., J. Number Theory, Exp. Math., Rocky MT. J. Math. 等期刊审稿人,多次担任重庆市科技奖评委(自然科学组组长)和国家科技奖初评会议评委(数学组)


1. 2005.09-2008.08 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,独立

2. 2005.09-2008.08 教育部 留学回国人员科研启动基金,独立

3. 2008.09-2011.08 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,独立

4. 2012.09-2014.08 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,负责人

5. 2015.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人

6. 2021.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人

7. 2023.01-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,第一主研


1. “On the linear independence measure of logarithms of ration number”, Q. Wu, Math. Comp., 72 (2003) No. 242, 901-911.

2. “A new exception polynomial for the integer transfinite diameter of [0,1]”, Q. Wu, J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux, 15(2003), 847-861.

3. “On the absolute Mahler measure of polynomials having all zeros in a sector (II)”, G. Rhin and Q. Wu (Equal contribution), Math. Comp., 74(2005) No. 249, 383-388.

4. “On the smallest value of the maximal modulus of an algebraic integer”, G. Rhin and Q. Wu (Equal contribution), Math. Comp., 76 (2007) No. 258, 1025-1038.

5. “Integer transfinite diameter and computation of polynomials”, G. Rhin and Q. Wu (Equal contribution), London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes, Series 352(2008), 277-285.

6. “Minimal Mahler measures”, M. J. Mossinghoff, G. Rhin and Q. Wu (Equal contribution), Exp. Math., Vol.17(2008) No. 4, 451-458.

7. “The smallest Perron numbers”, Q. Wu, Math. Comp., 79 (2010) No. 272, 2387-2394.

8. “The smallest houses of reciprocal algebraic integers”, Y. Fang, M. Li and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), Util. Math., 83 (2010), 343-351.

9. “The trace problem for totally positive algebraic integers”, Y. Liang and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), J. Aust. Math. Soc., 90(2011), 341-354.

10. “The measure of totally positive algebraic integer”, Q. Mu and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), J. Number Theory, 133(2013), 12-19.

11. “On the irrationality measure of log3”, Q. Wu (Corresponding author) and L. Wang, J. Number Theory, 142(2014),264-273.

12. “The absolute length of algebraic integers with positive real parts”, Q. Wu (Corresponding author) and X. Tian, Taiwan. J. Math., 18(1)(2014), 329-336.

13. “On the transcendence of some multivariate power series”, Q. Wu (Equal contribution) and P. Zhou, Front. Math. China, 9(2)(2014), 425-430.

14. “The absolute trace of totally positive reciprocal algebraic integers”, X. Dong and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), J. Number Theory, 170(2017), 66-74.

15. “On the smallest houses of reciprocal algebraic integers”, Q. Wu (Corresponding author) and Z. Zhang, J. Number Theory, 177(2017), 170-180.

16. “Finding all Salem numbers of trace -1 and degree up to 20”, Y. Chen, C. Peng and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), Taiwan. J. Math., 22(1)(2018), 23-37.

17. “Mean values for a class of arithmetic functions in short intervals”, J. Wu and Q. Wu (Equal contribution), Math. Nachr., 293(2020), 178-202.

18. “Totally positive algebraic integers with small trace”, C. Wang, J. Wu and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), Math. Comp., 90(2021), 2317-2332.

19. “The absolute Sk-measure of totally positive algebraic integers”, C. Wang, X. Pang and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 107(2023), 239-249

20. “Salem numbers with minimal trace”, Q. Chen and Q. Wu (Corresponding author), Math. Comp., (to appear)